Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I was planning on writing more often

I don't know why I havent. Probably school. I'll try to update more often.


Crazy In Love

[@DaveSmallen] I don’t even remember listening to GC* this much when I was in seventh grade. Hella love here. I love Dave Smallen’s music. Its rediculous. If you haven’t heard me talk about his music (which I’m sure you have if you’re my friend), i’m talking about it now. LISTEN TO IT. Its beautiful. I cant even explain…thats why this post is super short. Now.. go.

*Yeah I mean Good Charlotte..go ahead. Judge me..idontgiveafuck.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Who's the sexiest man alive?

Shawn Harris.

What was your favorite year?

I'm liking 2010 so far..

Ask me anything

Friday, January 22, 2010

If you could only watch one TV show what would it be?

Criminal Minds

Ask me anything


I've finished reading The Lovley Bones, Have I told you how amazing it is yet?
I also read this book called "I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell"..which I gave my friend to take to an AA center.. hmm. I wonder if they'll let her keep it. She doesn't drink anymore. Court mandated booshit. Haha I wanna know!
OMG so. friggin. hilarious.. the book that is..

Right now I am currently reading The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinseslla.
Its hilarious; such a good book. I love the way she writes. She wrote all of the "Confessions of a Shopaholic"books which too, were awesome.

I guess I read a lot.
Whatever. I love it.

I wanna live my life like this.

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."
-Mark Twain

Monday, January 11, 2010

I don't want to go to work.

Plain and simple. They have me in this horrible room thats hot and noisy. Its just worth my pay. I'm not saying i'm above that, Its just I'd rather do something I like..but I want it to fall in my lap. Haha, thats me being too busy to find work I want. I did get a job as my cousin's photographer for his work sites. He does construction/remodeling type things and I get to do the "good" after shots. I also get to put his portfolio together. It is more fun than my "fire watch" job, but it will involve me having to be brave enough to drive over 17 because he does a lot of business there. I'm pretty nervous about that.

speaking of work.. i must leave now. wooho?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

What was the last book you read?

I'm currently reading The Lovely Bones. Almost done!

Ask me anything

What website do you spend the most time on?

Facebook, Tumblr, Flickr, Sephora

Ask me anything

Who's the most overrated Hollywood actor?

Kristin Stewart. Barfff

Ask me anything

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Coke or Pepsi?

COKE. Pepsi takes like soap.

Ask me anything

What's the furthest you've ever traveled?

New York City <3 the love of my life. Lol.

Ask me anything

Would you rather own a luxury yacht or a private jet?

Private jet. I can go anywhere with that.

Ask me anything

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Today at Costco

So, today at Costco I got myself a book. Ian had told me about the movie they made out of this and he said it was amazing. I like reading books before I see the movie, so luckily I needed to go to Costco with my aunt and of course it was half the price it would have been if I had gotten it at Barnes & Noble or something. Of course it had the movie poster cover, which I don't love, just because I like this cute cover, but that's okay, I'll keep my extra six dollars. I read the first three pages at the store and just wanted to be home..well at my aunts.. to finish it. I currently am hanging out with my aunt while she makes dinner, but as soon as dinner is over.. that book is going to be all kinda of read. Haha.

Book suggestions!? Need book suggestions. I have a few books I haven't yet read, but if I start and I'm not in the mood for it..I'll stop and pick up another book. This it. Its amazing.. my three whole pages in so far. Lol. :D

Who would win in a fight: pirates or ninjas?


Ask me anything

If you were given a brand new yacht, what would you name it?

Something clever. Exactly that..

Ask me anything

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


This woman is amazing.. she's gone through so much shit in her life. I love her! ha. READ IT!

Do you believe in luck?

Yes and No.

Ask me anything

What do you think was the greatest invention in your lifetime?

I'm sure there was so many. I love iPods. Its so easy to have all my music in one place and like be able to play games and go on the internt and stuff.

If you had to give up one favorite food, what would the most difficult?

Hmm. One favorite food.. taco bell a food? That. Or little oranges. Mmm. I love those things.

Ask me anything

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Who's the most famous person you've met?

Good Charlotte? Lol. Let me think. Other 'big' bands I've met: Avenged Sevenfold, Atreyu (x3), Katy Perry

Ask me anything

Saturday, January 2, 2010

oh hey, didn't see ya there

So new year. Wooho?!
My mom keeps saying this year will be great, I hope so. I dont have too much to complain about from last year. I hope the people that are cutting me out of their life.. well don't. ANYWAYS cant think, I'll just be sad.
I have so much random things to say.

Table of Contents
1) Chelsea Handler vs Kathy Griffin
2) ShamWow!
3) New Moon
4) Books/Reading
5)What I'm Watching on TV

1) Chelsea Handler vs Kathy Griffin

So, I finished Chelsea Handler's book (I looked up at the tv and totally saw Monroe titties, distracted and confused, and I totally felt the need to share it with you.). It was a pretty good book, but after starting Kathy Griffins..OHMYGOD. Not as good. Lol, Don't get me wrong, Chelsae's book was worth the read but Kathy's so so amazing. Its more of her story her life, and not just short personal essays. Kathy's goes in more of a chronological order.. so far... I'm only half way done.

2) ShamWow!

That guy is SUCH A CREEPY PERV. The commercial freaks me out. He's also the chap slap guy.. "we'll make America thin, one slap at a time" ok. fall off a cliff. He's OLD too, he looks like a young perv, but no he's like.. older than you'd think. He just wants to be Billy Mays. Stop trying to yell at me. Kthanks. He kinda freaks me out when his commercial comes on TV late at night. NIGHTMARES. "stop having a boring tuna, stop having a boring life" "you're gunna love my nuts"

3) New Moon

So, magically I watched a copy of it. Poor quality and such, and I'm still totally going to see it in the theatre, I can't even express myself on how much I dislike Kristin Stewart, and I can't express myself on how cute I realized Robert Patterson is. I saw a commercial of a movie he was in, which wasn't twilight, and It looked interesting. Poor man will never be anything besides a sparkly vampire though. A friggin hot sparkly vampire. ANYWAYS. I hate that I think the movie was good, cause it SO wasn't.. I need to re-read New Moon now, I re-read Twilight thinking I would re-read the whole series, but then Ms. Handler got in my way. (refer to 1). I hate myself for loving the goddamned movies so much. They're HORRIBLE. I KNOW. geez. okayokay. haha. Um. (FUCKING SLAP CHOP COMMERCIAL! yeah I'm watching tv while writing this) I think I like them so much because of Emmet and Alice, I wish they were my siblings, I don't care if they're vampires. Alice seems like THE SWEETEST person in the whole entire world. --Why Yes, I know she's a fictional character :'[ haha-- Emmet would be the perfect brother, because my brother is..special and not the type I can rough around with..Emmet would be perfect for that. Okay. Enough of the pretty vampires.

4) Books/Reading

I FRIGGIN NEED BOOK SUGGESTIONS. Why yes, I have crazy amount of books I haven't read..but if i'm not in the mood to read them.. I wont. I really sorta like..well books like twilight and Confessions of a Shopaholic. I also really like mystery books..or whatever. I think I'd be down to read anything. I'm not a huge sifi fan though. Suggest away porfavor!

5) What I'm Watching on TV

Something to do with sex, the history of sex or something. It's on the History channel, so its educational. Hahaha. Maybe thats why they showed Marlyn boobies. I can NOT find anything on TV...what the frik!? They're talking about cyber sex.. hahaha. "cigars and oral sex are everyday conversations around the water coolers" oh you. ugh now it's something about pot.. gooo awayy

Time to find something else to do, I can't think of much else to say.
